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产品标签为:'single-use sterilized guaze block'

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Disposable Medical Gauze Block

The medical gauze block is made of premium absorbent gauze, and it is usually used for surgical dressing and wound care. It can be divided into sterilized and non-sterilized gauze pieces according to the sterilization method. Or, the gauze block can be classified as regular gauze block, cut gauze block, brushed gauze block, development line gauze block, flat gauze block, and slice gauze block. PS124 is a sanitary clinical product used for dressing wounds. The materials used to fix and protect the surgical or injured parts are necessary for surgery. Made of breathable material, suitable for limbs, tail, head and chest, and abdomen. Its excellent fluid absorption enables the wound to keep clean and hygienic, which provides patients comfort and facilitate wound healing.

single-use sterilized guaze block